Shards of Survival

Shards of Survival, the site for everyone who gets off the beaten path. Shards of Survival contains information on survival techniques, trail work, scouting and hiking, orienting and camping. You'll also find information on "primitive" techniques and sustainable alternatives to modern technologies. Survival for everyone starts here!

Monday, December 05, 2005

News tidbits

The news has once again been full of interesting tidbits. I read that Sweden wants to reduce its dependency on oil. They want to be independent of oil in 15 years! But so far they haven't started working on it, they don't even have a plan. They did, however, initiated a commission to look into the matter. Pretty ambitious but let's give them the benefit of the doubt.

On a related note: research, published in Montreal, indicates that the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is on the highest level of the past 650.000 years! Wow! We've been able to destroy hundreds of species, wiped away vast tracks of (rain) forest, polluted nearly every place on Earth (including the air and water) and now we're working on heating up the globe. Where does it stop?

Well, if it depends on the EU than we're a winning team! The European Commission has published a study that tells us the EU will reach its Kyoto targets on time. The target for reduction of CO2 discharges is 8%, compared to 1990. Th EC estimates the 15 "old" EU members will reach an average of 9.3%, while the whole of the EU will see a reduction of 11%. Some countries are doing a lot better already. Germany has already reached a reduction of 20%.

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