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Monday, November 28, 2005

Native American Powwow - Gathering of Nations

Recently, I ran into the Gathering of Nations website. I let the website speak for itself:
The Gathering of Nations is a Native American Indian 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1983 to promote Native American, American Indian (indigenous) culture & tradition, and dispel stereotypes created about Native American Indian and indigenous people.

Among many contributions to the Native American community, the Gathering of Nations founded and funds the Academic Scholarship Foundation for Native American Students and hosts the annual Gathering of Nations PowWow, Miss Indian World Traditional Talent Presentations, and Indian Trader's Market the last full weekend of every April at the University of New Mexico Arena in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Being a European myself, I know little about native American culture. I guess this goes for many Americans as well. This event seems a good opportunity to see native American culture and tradition in action. The powwow is a social event where singers, dancers and crafts people from more than 300 native American and Canadian tribes come to socialize and celebrate their cultures through singing and dancing.

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