Shards of Survival

Shards of Survival, the site for everyone who gets off the beaten path. Shards of Survival contains information on survival techniques, trail work, scouting and hiking, orienting and camping. You'll also find information on "primitive" techniques and sustainable alternatives to modern technologies. Survival for everyone starts here!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Know the others

An important factor in the survival of a group can be the individual professions of the people in the group. A profession means knowledge, though often only in a niche. Especially knowledge of crafts and "hand" professions are very useful in setting up camp, preparation of food and other practical affairs. Artists, through music or singing or other artistic expressions, provide much-needed entertainment and diversion. Anyone with a medical background offers tremendously important skills that can dramatically improve the group's survival rate. Military personel are commonly used to act on order and stop only when a job is done. Police personel are trained in conflict management and often have a "natural" authority.

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