Shards of Survival

Shards of Survival, the site for everyone who gets off the beaten path. Shards of Survival contains information on survival techniques, trail work, scouting and hiking, orienting and camping. You'll also find information on "primitive" techniques and sustainable alternatives to modern technologies. Survival for everyone starts here!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Be prepared!

The old Boy Scout slogan "Be prepared!" is still very much alive. For many it means to be ready for action, for us here on Shards of Survival we'll interpret it more as to be informed and knowledgeable as possible so you'll be able to stand the tests of Fate. No quite as catchy but it is more accurate.

In survival terms, being prepared means that through knowledge and training you feel more confident to handle a situation. Self-confidence is extremely important, just as the will to live. If one of these factors is missing than survival is more like a poker game. You can bluff your way out but your luck might run out sooner.

All beginnings are difficult. After reading these pages here on Shards of Survival you might think survival is not so difficult but during the practical classes that we provide you'll reconsider that thought. Tougher men than you broke down and cried. :) The answers are perseverance and teamwork. And you'll also have to learn to finish a job, even it takes foever and everything goes wrong. Only by doing you'll find out whether you'll have to alter your plans and ideas. After some time you'll notice that certain jobs and tasks have become easier to fulfil and that you're done quicker. That is the routine and self-confidence (the auto pilot) that take over. And that is the level we're looking for. Survival must become second nature. It shouldn't be something we have to think about or dwell over at length.

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